School has begun...

and I have been recruited to assist with the business of running it, as well as teach my regular class.

That is all for now, though I can hardly stand the necessity of sleep over blogging....

See your stuff soon, peeps!


Anonymous said…
Er, have fun, Ari?
Azathoth100 said…
You go teach! Hope it's lots of fun, and remember: if they bother you too much you'd be amazed how far some Duct tape and velcro can go to solve almost any classroom problems.
Anonymous said…
Life sucks when you don't get enough sleep.

Sleep. We'll still be here when you're rested.
V said…
Trevor: It is fun, but it's more rewarding.

Aza: Right now everything is good, but I'll keep that in mind.

LBB: Life DOES suck when I don't get enough sleep. For everyone around me as well as myself. Thanks!

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