Two Years

Two years I've been writing this. Two years.

Most of you and I have known each other for most of that span.

Why is it so hard to believe, the constant flow of time?


Reality is a question of perspective; the further you get from the past, the more concrete and plausible it seems -- but as you approach the present, it inevitably seems incredible. -- Salman Rushdie


Violet said…
Two years is great. Happy Anniversary! I admire your "stick-to-itiveness."
V said…
Thanks! I hope to be better than I am now at this in two more, Violet.
Latigo Flint said…
Because our friends never seem to age, that's why. Or what I think anyway.
V said…
True dat, Latty.
Azathoth100 said…
I know the feeling, seems like so much time has passed. Glad to have you on and to have gotten the chance to look inside your mind. Your a wonderful person and I wouldn't miss it for the world.

Speaking of that, I'm off for a vacation for the next week, I'll check in when I get back. take care and keep smiling.
V said…
Thanks, Aza. Have fun!
Troy Camplin said…
wow. two years. what were we doing two years ago? amazing how things change in two years
Meadow said…
Time does fly. And I still love reading you as much as I ever did.
V said…
I'm not really sure what we were doing 2 yrs ago, Dr. T. ;)

Thank you so, Renee. :)
Gary said…
You are right. It shouldn't be that hard to comprehend time passing . After all, it has been going on for at least 14 and 1/2 billion years. :)

I hope you have a nice, slowly passing week.
V said…
Thanks, Gary. :) I wish there was a throttle on time so I could make it run faster or slower according to my wish.
Amandarama said…
Happy belated anniversary! May there always be ink in your pen...or bandwidth in your cable...whatever...

Keep up the great blogging!
Meadow said…
Sending you some love. Hope you are well.
V said…
Thank you, thank you, Amanda and Renee.
time periods are imperceptible, but measurable. We measure time in different ways. So blogging for two years is maybe shorter than, let me think, being exciled in a country where they don't speak your language for two year, learning the language, getting a job with a troop of acrobats, falling in love with the ariel trapeze and becoming his partner. Falling pregnant, giving birth to an idiot savant who can lift elephants with his mind, and becoming the richest business woman in albania. In this case, you would probably look back and think "was it only two years since I got exiled?"
V said…
Indubitable, Helga.
By the way, you are superlative.

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