The Prosperity Continuum

I don't know if everyone's family is like this, but when I go and continue to go to family gatherings over a period of years, there is an expected level of prosperity that one is expected to attain and exhibit. After any given holiday, the judgment of the family may change depending upon the success or failure of attaining certain life goals.
A representative slice of my own family-judged prosperity can be seen above. While I clearly excel at some areas, others are deeply in need of improvement.
All I can do is continue to try to meet these family prosperity goals, I suppose. Or not. After all, my own graph would look something like this:
So I reckon I'm doing alright.
I've been tripping from sipping the dripping dirty water tap
I've been thinking of drinking too many drinks all by myself
-- Hot Hot Heat ("Bandages")
Well done, however!
At the next reunion, you could give a powerpoint presentation maybe?
RM: Thanks! Ha! I kind of always wished for an Italian family. If I had one, though, I'd probably wish for a family full of melancholy Irish with addictive tendencies...
Dr. T: Already sick of teaching? :) Oh well, I hope you get the play or two produced.
BTW peeps, Make your own awesome graph of anything here: