Ugh... cool blogthing jacked things up
I did have a scrolling blogthing here that showed the lyrics to my latest enamorment in song: Mika's "Grace Kelly" (specifically, the trance remix version), but somehow posts got disabled by copying the script here and when I enabled them, things got even more wonky and a new song I'd never even heard of replaced it.
So, for the safety of all concerned, it has been deleted.
This is no fault of the song, however; it's melodic, anxious, just a snip (ok, a lot) gay, and fun, as Violet of The Lemonade Stand can attest!
Check it out!
I didn't see the video, Trevor. The funny thing is, according to Wikipedia and a few UK sources I saw, he won't discuss his sexuality at all, so he admits nothing. However, after 30 seconds looking at his website and hearing this song, is there anything to discuss??