Well, I've been tagged by NH (of The Unseen Blogger fame) so here goes:
If I were a writer, I'd write fabulous, insightful books. Or movies maybe, which would be wildly imaginative (and hilarious no doubt). Or TV sitcoms that don't suck.
If I were a musician, I would usher in a new era of girl-rockin' the likes of which the planet has never seen, like Heart + Guns N Roses + Pat Benatar + Smashing Pumpkins. Yeah.
If I were a gardener, I'd plant a garden that was part Palace of Versailles, all neat and orderly, and part jungle, with lots of vines. I love vines. This garden of mine would most definitely have a koi pond, and secret passageways and grottos in which to hide.
If I was a psychologist, I'd invent a cure for being inconsiderate and use it to repair marriages, work relationships, bad shopping experiences, and general malaise around the globe. Or take on a famous, troubled client, and fancy myself like Dr. Melfi.
If I was a world famous blogger, I'd revolutionize the Internet with my babblings about drinking alone and naughty pugs, and I'd preach the message of 83% Buddhism to the ears of the world.
So now you know.
And yep, Azathoth, 83%. At least according to highly credible internet quiz sources.... read more here and find out your own percentages. And never mind that satanist bit.